How to get Xilinx's SD-SoC working?

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How to get Xilinx's SD-SoC working?

Postby Flemming_Christensen » Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:31 am

I am trying out guidelines in the SDSoC user guide UG1146. So far it has been hairy and I could use some pointers. ... raries.pdf

Best regards,

Ananya Muddukrishna
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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Re: How to get Xilinx's SD-SoC working?

Postby Flemming_Christensen » Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:40 am

Hi Ananya,

We are working on a simple "Getting Started Guide" now; like a "Hello World"

The UG1146 and related documentation are very detailed (read: hairy, I agree!)

You could also benefit (maybe..) from reading the UG1028 - ... raries.pdf

Stay tuned


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Re: How to get Xilinx's SD-SoC working?

Postby Ananya.Muddukrishna » Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:20 pm

Thanks! This is encouraging.

UG1028 is nice indeed. I breezed through it since it discusses topics using supported platforms such as the zc702 and Zed.

What is testing me is the task of getting SDSoC to work with EMC2-DP, an unsupported platform. The task requires creating a custom platform for the EMC2-DP using guidelines in UG1146. It is surprising that Xilinx have made SDSoC difficult to work with unsupported platforms.

I eagerly wait for the SDSoC starter guide for the EMC2-DP.

- Ananya

Ananya Muddukrishna
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Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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Re: How to get Xilinx's SD-SoC working?

Postby Ananya.Muddukrishna » Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:29 pm


An update: I found a good guide from Xilinx for custom SDSoC platform creation. ... ation.html

You can add this as a reference in the starter guide.

- Ananya

Ananya Muddukrishna
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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