Programming the EMC2 board

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Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Francois_Duhem » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:37 am


I'm testing the EMC2 board using the getting started guide. I get to the programming step but vivado does not seem to find devices on the board.
refresh_hw_target {localhost/xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/0000129295a101}
ERROR: [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost/xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/0000129295a101.

DS2 (Inverted DONE) and DS3 (Global status LED) are lit on the SoM. I set up the jumpers for the voltage and PCIe according to the guide. Is there something else I should do for JTAG programming?


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Timoteo » Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:02 pm

Hi Francois,

1-Which Trenz module are you using on the EMC2 carrier board? Have you selected the right FPGA part in Vivado?
2-Which voltages have you selected through the jumpers? Are you able to measure them to check they are fine?
3-Is the Reset jumper (JP2) open? Otherwise the board is held in reset. Is JP6 set?
4-Are you using JP11 which selects SD card or QSPI flash booting?

Hopefully we will find what's going on.


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Francois_Duhem » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:49 pm

Hi Timoteo,

1- I am using the TE0715 with a Z-7030 device. For the moment, I'm just trying to detect targets in the JTAG chain, so no bitstream involved.
2- The jumpers are set as in figure 8 in the getting startes guide (1.8V: Position 2-3). I measured 1.8V on both jumpers.
3- JP2 is open, JP6 is set.
4- JP11 is in position 2-3, should be SDcard mode, didn't try booting from one though.


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Timoteo » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:03 pm

Thanks for your reply Francois,

Could you attach a screenshot of the Project Settings window, so that I see the FPGA part, and which board files you are using?

Can you check if the Xilinx Platform USB connector has its LED on, and no blinking? Are you able to swap the JTAG cable and check is not a hardware issue related to it?



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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Francois_Duhem » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:28 pm

I didn't create a new project, I'm using Vivado hardware manager outside the project view to scan the JTAG chain, but then I don't see any targets and get the error message pasted in the first post.
The platform cable has its green LED on and I just used it successfully on a different board.


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Timoteo » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:12 pm

Thanks for your answer,

Ive never used Vivado Hardware Manager out of a project, and I find the same problem as you. I tried it in different modules, and it doesnt work either. I even opened a project and tried to program the FPGA, and it didnt work. And Ive been using this computer to program FPGAs for months.
BUT, i tried with the same hardware using another computer, and it seems to work perfectly. It could be related to the computer, usb driver, xilinx vivado licenses, whatever. I will talk with my colleagues and find out what's wrong, and we will see if you have the same problem. I dont think is a problem related to the board. You said you tried with other boards. Have you tried with other boards, and the same computer, same USB port, same Xilinx platform cable and same version of Vivado?

Adding information: the computer that works fine uses W10, the other one W7. I will update tomorrow when I talk to my colleagues.


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Francois_Duhem » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:13 pm

Hi Timoteo,

I just tried with a Xilinx ZC706 board on the same computer (Ubuntu 14.4, Vivado 2016.2), same USB port and platform cable, hardware manager outside of a project, works fine.
I set up a Vivado project as explained in the getting started guide, but I get the same issue when it comes to scanning the JTAG chain.

When I think about it, in the guide, the IO voltage switch set-up comes after powering the board for the first time. Might be that I killed the device... I'll try booting from an SD card when I get the chance.


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Timoteo » Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:30 pm

Hi Francois,

Definitely, never configure the IO Voltages while the board is on. The guide was answering independent questions, but as I see it can be misunderstood, I will modify it, and re-upload it.

Try as you said to program the FPGA from SD card, and if it works, probably the Trenz module is alright. In case the module is dead, there is no other option but send it back and we can check it here.

Best regards,


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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Carl_Ehrenstrahle » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:43 pm


I have the same issue as Francois. I've tried with all three JP11 settings and none works.
When booting in SPI mode I get the default uboot from the Trenz module, which indicates that it's connected and not fried.
Is there a complete guide that contains all the required jumper settings to be able to program the FPGA module via JTAG?

Best regards,
Carl Ehrenstråhle

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Re: Programming the EMC2 board

Postby Francois_Duhem » Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:57 am


Good news! The SoM is fine, the problem actually came from the power supply. Same problem and solution as in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20 . Hope it solves your issue too, Carl.

Thanks for helping Timoteo!

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