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Sample Code for Hipperos

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:40 pm
by A_Konstantinos
Hello everyone,
I am working with Sundance EMC2-Z7030 platform and I wanted to ask if there are any samples about image processing that run on Hipperos available to study.
Thank you!

Re: Sample Code for Hipperos

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:52 am
by A_Konstantinos
I want to implement the HDMI in - HDMI out demo running on Hipperos without any hardware acceleration so any help would be appreciated !!

Re: Sample Code for Hipperos

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:05 am
by Paul_Rodriguez

There is indeed a demo using HDMI in and out with that board running on Hipperos, however I don't know whether you have access to the sources of that. You should ask the org you're working with about that code and their agreements with Hipperos. I'm not sure the sources for that demo have been shared at all actually.

What I can tell you right away is that if memory serves, you do need to program the FPGA in order to use the HDMI in/out board even if your image processing is pure software because HDMI is not routed to the CPU directly.
