Bitstream samples for the EMC2 board

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Bitstream samples for the EMC2 board

Postby Antonio.Paolillo » Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:51 am

We are progressing on the development of the BSP of the EMC2 board for HIPPEROS.
We are starting to investigate what is needed to develop PCAP/ICAP drivers to reconfigure the FPGA fabric at run-time.

For this, we would need some bitstream examples (or VHDL code that we could synthesize with Vivado), that we could use as input of the DPR feature.
We are thinking something easy to validate like "blink a led".

Does someone already worked with such examples and tested them on the EMC2 board?

Thank you in advance :-)

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Re: Bitstream samples for the EMC2 board

Postby Antonio.Paolillo » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:01 am

Hi Antonio,

I think this could you the job:



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