Sources of UAV use-case

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Sources of UAV use-case

Postby Giacomo_Valente » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:39 am

Dear all,
is it possible to obtain sources of UAV use-case? We would like to analyze it to evaluate TULIPP board for another european project that just started. It is called FITOPTIVIS.


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Re: Sources of UAV use-case

Postby Flemming_Christensen » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:56 am


We have two 'demos' for UAV application.

A simple one that was developed for fun = [I shall ask if we can provide sources]

The REAL one by Fraunhofer = [Some of the IP is protected, but shall get FHG to confirm what they can share]

Thanks for interest.


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Re: Sources of UAV use-case

Postby Boitumelo_Ruf » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:55 am

Hi Giacomo,

what part of the UAV use-case would you like to have.

1. We have developed a simple avoidance algorithm, which takes a disparity map as input and computes an evasion maneuvre for the UAV ( This was developed in C/C++ and runs on the CPU.

2. The main part of the use case, however, was the development of a disparity estimation algorithm based on the SGM algorithm. It is optimized and synthesized to run on the FPGA of the Zynq Ultrascale+. We have two version of the algorithm which are essentially equal. They only differ in the input data. One reads images from the SD Card and processes them to compute a disparity map ( The second one uses a stereo camera system as input, which is connected via CameraLink ( The IP, which is responsible for capturing images from the camera might be protected. I would need to confirm with our partner if you are interested.
However, the disparity estimation algorithm is the same for both versions.

Best Regards,

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