I had some critical warnings in Vivado due to some errors on the xdc file. Solved that and now I managed to built the project in SDSoC. A simple hello world worked. The hdmi input/output compiled but I got an error that the output buffer could not be written. I would say that we can close or delete ...
That error is not showing anymore. I called the project name, set the dsa.name property plus the PFM_NAME all the same. Regardless, now after ~30 minutes building, I get this error: ===>The following messages were generated while Compiling (bitstream) accelerator binary: bin Log file: C:/TULIPP/SDSo...
The issue comes when I adapt sundance's hdmi input-output in vivado 2017.2 to 2017.4 and I update avnet's hdmi IPs and some minor details to adapt them to the new aes fmc_hdmi boards. For this, the bitstream is generated correctly but the main issue appears on SDSoC. I have just created a new design...