Hi @Timoteo,
I have connected the ZED camera to the FM191 board with the type C connector. I am able to capture the image though the image is not captured well by the camera. Please find the attachment. I had to know if you got the clear pictorial view or same as the below picture?
Search found 16 matches
- Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:57 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: ZED camera: does not capture a full picture
- Replies: 0
- Views: 84972
- Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:24 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Petalinux BSP for Zynq Z7030
- Replies: 3
- Views: 48624
Re: Petalinux BSP for Zynq Z7030
Thank you
Thank you
- Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:58 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Petalinux BSP for Zynq Z7030
- Replies: 3
- Views: 48624
Re: Petalinux BSP for Zynq Z7030
Can you please share the petalinux 2017.4 BSP for EMC2 Z7030? Or please share a link where can I find them. I have tried finding on Xilinx website and I find BSP for other Zynq boards.
Thank you
Can you please share the petalinux 2017.4 BSP for EMC2 Z7030? Or please share a link where can I find them. I have tried finding on Xilinx website and I find BSP for other Zynq boards.
Thank you
- Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:24 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Petalinux BSP for Zynq Z7030
- Replies: 3
- Views: 48624
Petalinux BSP for Zynq Z7030
Can anyone share petalinux BSP 2018.2 for Z7030 EMC2 board?
Can anyone share petalinux BSP 2018.2 for Z7030 EMC2 board?
- Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:55 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Interfacing a USB WebCam on ZYNQ-7030 SoC Running Linux
- Replies: 0
- Views: 84788
Interfacing a USB WebCam on ZYNQ-7030 SoC Running Linux
Hi, I have built the petalinux with the USB drivers whereas when I am performing the serial communication, nothing emerges on the screen. The EMC2 boots though I am unable to get the UART prompt. I have followed this tutorial- https://github.com/SundanceMultiprocessorTechnology/VCS-1_emc2_ros/wiki/H...
- Fri May 25, 2018 6:29 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: HDMI Test for z7030, Vivado 17.1
- Replies: 0
- Views: 84883
HDMI Test for z7030, Vivado 17.1
Hi Timoteo,
As said in the post "Sources for HDMI Test project from Starter's Guide" the test pattern generator IP changes with the different Vivado versions. The Vivado version which I am working on is 2017.1
Do you have the design for 17.1 (Vivado+SDK)?
Thank you,
As said in the post "Sources for HDMI Test project from Starter's Guide" the test pattern generator IP changes with the different Vivado versions. The Vivado version which I am working on is 2017.1
Do you have the design for 17.1 (Vivado+SDK)?
Thank you,
- Fri May 25, 2018 5:40 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Missing repository HDMI Test-Missing repository in the IP catalog - “video_io_to_hdmi” and “axis_fb_conv”
- Replies: 2
- Views: 44092
Re: Missing repository HDMI Test-Missing repository in the IP catalog - “video_io_to_hdmi” and “axis_fb_conv”
Thank you so much. However, I found it on Trenz electronics.
Thank you so much. However, I found it on Trenz electronics.
- Thu May 24, 2018 6:36 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Missing repository HDMI Test-Missing repository in the IP catalog - “video_io_to_hdmi” and “axis_fb_conv”
- Replies: 2
- Views: 44092
Missing repository HDMI Test-Missing repository in the IP catalog - “video_io_to_hdmi” and “axis_fb_conv”
I am trying to perform the HDMI test. I have found the cores on Trenz electronics whereas I am unable to log in and download the files. I would be grateful to you if you could provide someway to access the repository. "From the start up guide, Open a new project in Vivado, and add into the IP c...
- Wed May 23, 2018 3:11 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Regarding the hardware manager
- Replies: 13
- Views: 102277
Re: Regarding the hardware manager
Hi Marek,
Thank you for the guide. Can I please know if you have a setup for Linux or is it just the difference of Olimex debugger for Linux?
Thanking you,
Kind regards,
Thank you for the guide. Can I please know if you have a setup for Linux or is it just the difference of Olimex debugger for Linux?
Thanking you,
Kind regards,
- Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:54 pm
- Forum: FAQ about Tulipp Development Platform
- Topic: Regarding the hardware manager
- Replies: 13
- Views: 102277
Re: Regarding the hardware manager
Hi, I have got a platform cable USB II and have connected to the board. Please find the attachment. I have created the Zync FSBL. The status LED on the Platform cable USB is green and I have two partitions on the SD card: boot.bin file, .bif file. In addition, I have included the .elf file but it do...