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General information

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:42 pm
by Timoteo
All our documentation and software for the VCS-1 system (which conveys EMC2-DP + Zynq Z7030 or Zynq Ultrascale+ ZU3EG, ZU4CG, ZU4EV + FM191-RU, and soon FM192-RU too) is available in the following links: (Sundance repository) (Tulipp repository).

The easiest way to start is by looking at the documentation stored in
We suggest the VCS-1 presentation and the quick start guide.

You can also find information in our wiki where you will find relevant information to use Xilinx tools and Sundance's SDKs.
You will also find interesting demonstrations on how to run AI demos (not sure how relevant this is for you) in

The products page also contains relevant information about each individual product:

I would also like to suggest to visit the Tulipp repository because it contains also relevant information regarding the TULIPP tool-chain
1) STHEM - TULIPP utilities for efficient image processing
2) Use cases - and documentation
3) Tool chain - and documentation
4) Guidelines - and documentation

Re: General information

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:50 pm
by Timoteo
Yücel ÇETİN (BİLGEM) wrote:Dear Flemming,
*You can see attach images of the boards which we have bought. One of them; it has not a jumper on it.
**Also we couldnt see any codes or files at that link. Could you share us detail information and we want support for this.


Best Regards.

Above, you have the links for all the available documentation.

1-The description of the jumpers can be found in the Starter's Guide, Page 11 onwards. Your module is Zynq Ultrascale+, so you should ONLY USE 1.8V. Set the jumpers as Figure 13 shows.

2-As mentioned above, the use-case repository might help you out.

Re: General information

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:35 pm
by Yücel_ÇETİN
Could tou give another password to me for TULIP Platform? I will write there .
for Özgenç SUBAŞI
Our card have TE0820-02 but Cameralink demo in tulipp platform shows that TE0715-01. we couldnt run the cameralink demo in page ... p-platform

Re: General information

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 11:40 am
by Özgenç_SUBAŞI
İs it possible for me to try HDMI input and output demo?
I looked at the card AVNET FMC HDMI card but I think it is obsolete part?
We have EMC2-dp-v2 card as you know.

Re: General information

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:40 pm
by Flemming_Christensen
[quote="Özgenç_SUBAŞI"]İs it possible for me to try HDMI input and output demo?
I looked at the card AVNET FMC HDMI card but I think it is obsolete part?
We have EMC2-dp-v2 card as you know.[/quote

Avnet updated the PCB, but Sundance has stock of the 'old' version that we used for the working demos and 'Use-cases' - see email

Re: General information

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:35 pm
by Özgenç_SUBAŞI
FOR EMC2-ZU3EG BOARD THAT WE have I couldnt find the Cameralink I/O Demo. Could you give me the link to download the sources of demo for ZU3eg module?

Re: General information

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:59 pm
by Flemming_Christensen
Özgenç_SUBAŞI wrote:FOR EMC2-ZU3EG BOARD THAT WE have I couldnt find the Cameralink I/O Demo. Could you give me the link to download the sources of demo for ZU3eg module?

- not obvious, I agree = viewtopic.php?f=8&t=250 - work in progress. Please remember that this is for the specific caemera used by Fraunhofer for

Re: General information

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 3:00 pm
by Özgenç_SUBAŞI
I need two Digital Analog Converter(DAC), I have a PCI Card(DS-MPE-DAQ0804) but I think it is not easy to program it from the PS Side
instead of this I will use RS1 port in EMC2DP And I will design an extra PCB with a microcontroller and drive 2 DAC.
Could you give me examples about UART from RS1 out. I couldnt see exact information and drivers in the code (HDMI IO Example Code)

Re: General information

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:52 pm
by Özgenç_SUBAŞI
For Platform Cable USB II - Xilinx Debugging of EMC2DP platform for SDSOC, is any documents available?