Regarding the hardware manager

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Re: Regarding the hardware manager

Postby Pranjali_Shinde » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:46 am

Thank you so much for the reply.

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Re: Regarding the hardware manager

Postby Pranjali_Shinde » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:54 pm

I have got a platform cable USB II and have connected to the board. Please find the attachment.
I have created the Zync FSBL. The status LED on the Platform cable USB is green and I have two partitions on the SD card: boot.bin file, .bif file. In addition, I have included the .elf file but it does not get added. Also, J11 is connected to 2-3. My query was, when I click on open target I can see the hardware target with JTAG frequency of 6000000 and nothing in the hardware device section.I have tried reducing the frequency though the problem remains same.
Can you please tell me before booting the FPGA through SD card, the boot image should be created in the SD card, right?
Because as per the documentation the boot image is created in the C folder for Windows OS users.Also, because when I worked on the Altera board I created the boot image on the SD card. Can you please help me know, how it works for Linux users?

It would be great if you could explain the significance of the LEDs on the board. On the small chip there is one LED which blinks(RED) when the board is turned ON and later goes OFF. Another LED turns ON Green and remains ON.

Thank you,

Kind regards,
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Re: Regarding the hardware manager

Postby Marek_Kuznik » Wed May 02, 2018 5:12 pm


I have done simple guide how to use OpenOCD or Xilinx debuggers with EMC²-DP.
You can find it here:


I hope it will help.

Best regards

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Re: Regarding the hardware manager

Postby Pranjali_Shinde » Wed May 23, 2018 3:11 pm

Hi Marek,
Thank you for the guide. Can I please know if you have a setup for Linux or is it just the difference of Olimex debugger for Linux?

Thanking you,

Kind regards,

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