Status LED blinking

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Status LED blinking

Postby Timoteo » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:40 am

Julian wrote:Today we got some issues with the EMC2 Board. The Trenz module is
blinking if we switch it on. I attached a video where you can see the
blinking red led. It looks like a code. What do this mean?
How we can test the board for functionality? We cannot programm the
board trough JTAG or with the OLIMEX Debugger and HIPPEROS any more.
Both boot modes(JTAG and SD card) are not working.
The problem occurs while i was testing the FMC HMDI board from Avnet.
How we can check if the board or the topmodule is broken? Could we test
the Trenz modlue on the new board you shipped to us?

Please answer as soon as possible because we need this board for
progress. Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Timoteo » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:41 am

Is this TE0820-3EG-02 or TE0715-30-03? I think it's TE0715-30-03.

If that's the case, you have the documentation online:
That LED is D3, and it's the main status LED. It determines if the FPGA has been programmed. (it goes off when it's programmed)

Also, I don’t know which board we shipped to you, is this EMC2-DP + TE0820-3EG? If that's the case, you shouldn't plug TE0715-30 on that new EMC2, as the SD card works at different voltage from the module, and for that we had to modify the EMC2.

I thing JP11 is in the wrong position, you are using QSPI to boot the FPGA, and that's a feature I don't remember how to set up in terms of hardware. Place JP11 in the other position, which is for SD boot, and see what's the behaviour of the status LED.

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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Julian_Haase » Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:02 pm

Is this TE0820-3EG-02 or TE0715-30-03? I think it's TE0715-30-03.

It is TE0715-30-03.

I looked into the same documentation of the trenz module you mentioned: The red LED (D3) is blinking. From my understanding that means the Done Signal is 0 and the RESIN Signal is 1. The green one signal whether the FPGA is programmed or not.

Also, I don’t know which board we shipped to you, is this EMC2-DP + TE0820-3EG? If that's the case, you shouldn't plug TE0715-30 on that new EMC2, as the SD card works at different voltage from the module, and for that we had to modify the EMC2.

The new board you shipped is EMC2-DPV2 + TE0820-3EG. Ok, so we cannot use this one.

I thing JP11 is in the wrong position, you are using QSPI to boot the FPGA, and that's a feature I don't remember how to set up in terms of hardware. Place JP11 in the other position, which is for SD boot, and see what's the behaviour of the status LED.

We did this before. If we boot from SD card the same behaviour occurs: The red LED is blinking in different sequences. Some time faster, some times slower. In one of ten times i could deploy a HIPPEROS application programming the FPGA. It works once. After that it does not work. In my opinion, some thing with the JTAG is going wrong. I think some signals are jumping around. But why?

It is possible that some MOSFETS are broken or something like that?

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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Timoteo » Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:11 pm


Right, I confused red with green LED. One of those funny bits of being color blind!
The red LED is not from the FPGA, it seems it's at the PROGRAM signal of the CPLD onboard. The CPLD is basically there to monitor power goods, and manage some signals of the FPGA, related to JTAG, etc. It doesn't look good.

Do you have a Xilinx pod around to configure the FPGA through JTAG? In this way we could discard HIPPEROS/other pods as the possible problem. Just to be sure it's a hardware issue.

If you don't, have you tried to boot from SD card with a standalone project?

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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Julian_Haase » Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:25 pm

Do you have a Xilinx pod around to configure the FPGA through JTAG? In this way we could discard HIPPEROS/other pods as the possible problem. Just to be sure it's a hardware issue.

We tried to program with the JTAG HS3 using a very simple design from Vivado. It also was not working.

We do not have a Xilinx pod here.

If you don't, have you tried to boot from SD card with a standalone project?

Yes, we did, but..........

Now it is working again. But we do not know why. After we boot a barematel application from Sd card it worked again.

At first it was not working. After some tries it did. Maybe there are some issues with the heating of the JTAG or something like that?

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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Timoteo » Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:05 pm

Well, my guess seeing that a standalone application works like a charm, whereas programming with a debugger that is not the Xilinx one, is that something is messing the JTAG chain up. Why do I say this? Because the CPLD is related to the JTAG chain, and I don't think it's a coincidence that it works from SD card, booting the Zynq ARM + FPGA, when it's not using the JTAG chain at all.

I've checked the JTAG HS3 specs and datasheet. I checked the pins, voltages, etc. It should be fine, although the limitation of that pod is 30MHz. Have that in mind when you program from Vivado Hardware Manager.

Try programming the FPGA with this:

For this project JP12 has to be set, I think you have it already. This project only uses the PL, and makes the LEDs onboard blink. If this works, we know your Digilent pod + JTAG chain is just fine, and probably the problem relies on HIPPEROS/other JTAG pod you are using.

Let me know

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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Julian_Haase » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:19 am

Well, my guess seeing that a standalone application works like a charm, whereas programming with a debugger that is not the Xilinx one, is that something is messing the JTAG chain up. Why do I say this? Because the CPLD is related to the JTAG chain, and I don't think it's a coincidence that it works from SD card, booting the Zynq ARM + FPGA, when it's not using the JTAG chain at all.

I fully agree with you. I am only wondering about the fact, that after the board was powered off it also was corrupted. Strange. But it is ok. The board is fine and we can used it. :D

Try programming the FPGA with this:

This led project worked fine with our Digilent programmer.

I will report if the issues come back.

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Re: Status LED blinking

Postby Timoteo » Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:18 am

Right, so at this point we know your Digilent pod works. We know the PL works, and the JTAG chain is not messed up when you program the PL through the Digilent pod.

We also know that a standalone application boots successfully the PS and PL from SD card.

Therefore, this problem is narrowed down to OS based apps using HIPPEROS + other pods, right?

From here I'm not the best person to help you out, but I would discard hardware as the issue for now, although I don't like that red LED blinking at all!

Best of luck

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