Power measurement on the EMC2 DP board

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Power measurement on the EMC2 DP board

Postby Ananya.Muddukrishna » Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:18 am

Hi Timoteo,

Hope you are doing fine.

Please share your experience in measuring power consumption of the EMC2 DP board.
I would like to understand if there are methods to measure power consumption at a higher granularity
than the wall-socket. For example, PS, PL, DRAM power.

I was looking at power measurement features on the ZC702 board. They have a TI power controller on board which provides power measurement API over the I2C bus.

http://www.wiki.xilinx.com/Zynq-7000+AP ... n+Tech+Tip

Are there similar power controllers on the EMC2 board? If not, are there shunt resistors?

Best regards,

Ananya Muddukrishna
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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